Scott Reserve was a bustling place as the under Cobram Football Netball Club under-17s and under-14s celebrated a successful 2023 season recently.
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The celebration, held the day after the two teams made it to the grand finals which were played in Moama, was attended by players, staff and families.
Though victory was not theirs, Cobram FNC communications liaison Mary Hyde said both teams played their hearts out.
“For our club to have their thirds and fourths in the grand final was both a mighty effort and unfortunately, it wasn’t our day,” Ms Hyde said.
Ms Hyde said the awards day was a hugely successful event, with various players recognised for their achievements on the field.
Among the people recognised was a club volunteer.
Stacey Slatterie was recognised for her volunteer work with the fourth-18 team, with Ms Hyde describing her as invaluable.
“Stacey has been the fourth-18 team manager for a number of years and has worked tirelessly in the role as a volunteer,” Ms Hyde said.