Sunday Medley Stableford Dec 1
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Div 1 winner with 41 Pts Craig Tafft
Runner-up with 38 Pts John Black
Div 2 winner with 43 Pts Logan Forge
Runner-up wityh 42 Pts Leisha Thomas
Ball Rundown: Jess Widdop 39, Janae Holland, Peter Boyd, James Toohey 37, Matthew Rennie 36, Peter Longmire, Greg Lee-Conway, Alec Jones, Tim Patton 34
NTP 4 th Marty Cunningham
NTP 18 th Craig Tafft
Eagles Nest Nathan Thomas
Monday Stableford Dec 2
Winner with 31 Pts Neil Smith
Runner-up with 28 Pts Greg Stenton
Ball Rundown: Barry Allshorn 26
Men’s and Women’s Stableford and 9 Hole Comp Dec 4
Women’s 9 Hole Comp
Winner with 15 Pts Eileen Ransom
Runner-up with 14 Pts Marg Playford
Ball Rundown: Bernadette Delahunty 14
Women’s Stableford
Winner with 33 Pts Jeannette Aylward
Runner-up with 32 Pts Trish Lethbridge
Ball Rundown: Denise doolan 32, Selina Barkley 31
NTP 4 th Louise Holden
NTP 18 th Trish Lethbridge
Men’s Stableford
Winner with 38 Pts Greg Stenton
Ball Rundown: Dave Harris 33, Neil Smith 32
Members Day Stableford 5 Dec 24
Winner with 40 Pts Guy Rowe
2 nd c/b with 38 Pts Trent Vonarx
3 rd with 38 Pts Peter Howell
4 th with 38 Pts Roger Bradford
5 th with 37 Pts Greg Baines
6 th with 37 Pts Selina Barkley
7 th with 37 Pts Ian Grimes
Ball Rundown: Roy Monte 37, Darryl Thompson, Ethan Sorensen, Alex McGillivray, Ben Playford 36, John Caminito, Tim Patton 35, Michael Knowles, Craig Collins, Taj Smith, Geoff Lawrence, Geoff Boyd, Michael Doolan, Terry Moriarty 34, Frank Clifford, Bill Knott, John Taylor, Gary Dunkinson, Leroy Chester, Greg Witherden, Alf Arthur, Stephen Purcivall 33, Darren Chester, James Gordon, Steve Carrick, Steve Rodway, Brent Childs, Marty Cunningham, Phil Willcoxson, Melissa Lee 32, Phill Dunning, Chris Perks, Gary Patterson, Peter Justin 31
NTP 3 rd 2 nd shot Selina Barkley
NTP 4 th Dave Harris
NTP 9 th 2 nd shot Taj Smith
NTP 12 th Craig Collins
Jackpot NTP Guy Rowe
Hidden Holes winner Phill Dunning
Men’s and Women’s Monthly Medal Dec 7
Gross winner with 84 Selina Barkley
Net winner with 74 Leisha Thomas
Runner-up with 77 Selina Barkley
Ball Rundown: Marg Playford, Christine Dunkinson 79, Debra Eason 83
NTP 4 th 2 nd shot Selina Barkley
NTP 12 th Trish Lethbridge
Monthly Medal Leisha Thomas
A Grade Gross winner with 70 Oliver Nelson
Net winner with 71 Oliver Nelson
Runner-up with 73 Jack Reid
Third with 74 Alex patton
B Grade Gross winner with 86 Tim Patton
Net winner with 75 Les Payne
Runner-up with 75 Tim Patton
Third with 75 Finn Osborne
C Grade Gross with 89 Knut Ryen
Net winner with 69 Knut Ryeb
Runner-up with 74 Derek Agnew
Third with 75 Alistar Munro
Ball Rundown: Steve Carrick 74, Tyson Logie, Michael Hooper, Taj Smith 75, Jayden Forge, Tony Larkin, Craig Collins, Darren Matthew 76, John Arnold 77, Gary Chappell, Peter Reid, Regan Schmidt 78
NTP 4 th Oliver Nelson
NTP 12 th Regan Schmidt
NTP 18 th Laurie Atwell
NTP 3rd 2 nd shot Taj Smith
NTP 9 th 2 nd shot Dennis Sandral
Monthly Medal Knut Ryen
Lady Niners
The Niners had another Ambrose comp today and were joined by Shirley from Seymour. Shirley, Jeanette and Helen won with a NET of 36.
Well done ladies!