It has failed.
The government removed freedom of choice with COVID-19 vaccine mandates (using experimental vaccines against the known scientific method and evidence-based medicine) and allowing lockdowns, which destroyed small business causing enormous economic, social and educational damage.
The world’s top epidemiologists had warned against this.
We now have a debt near $1 trillion, which future generations will inherit, a shadow mental health pandemic and a destruction of living standards.
Australians are facing rising costs of living and future interest rate rises.
Forty per cent of homeowners are under mortgage stress and will default if interest rates rise to four per cent. This is significant for home owners in Broadford, Seymour and Nagambie.
The major parties have not addressed the deficit or revealed plans to protect against rising interest rates.
Our health and education systems are collapsing and our manufacturing is at an all-time low under decades of the major parties.
We are not self-sufficient and are extremely vulnerable in this world.
The United Australia Party is the only party addressing these issues and our policies are:
- Remove mandates, lockdowns, passports (regain freedom over your body and life).
- 15 per cent export licence on iron ore to eliminate the deficit over 20 years.
- 3 per cent max interest rate on current home loans for five years.
- Australian super funds to invest $1 trillion back to Australia from overseas investments.
- Energy security and reliability by maintaining coal-fired power until nuclear or other energies are in place to maintain the 80 per cent base load power.
- 20 per cent tax reduction to people living 200km from cities to encourage regional investment, manufacturing and lure workers.
- $180 per fortnight increase in pension to protect from inflation.
- Water rights for users only, remove buybacks and develop the Bradfield scheme to waterproof Australia and the Murray-Darling Basin.
- HECS removed and bring in free TAFE and university.
- Process minerals at home, value add.
- Remove fuel excise and provisional tax.
- $40 billion investment in hospital infrastructure.
Dr Robert Peterson is the United Australia Party candidate for the federal seat of Nicholls