The Victorian Government has agreed “in-principle” to create a treaty authority to facilitate negotiations between Traditional Owners and the state government.
“We’ve been very upfront that we don’t believe the solutions lie within the current colonial system,” assembly co-chair and proud Nira illim bulluk man of the Taungurung Nation Marcus Stewart said.
“We want the journey to treaty to happen with respect for our culture and our lore and for everyone to benefit from that wisdom and our way of doing things.”
Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Minister Gabrielle Williams confirmed the government was willing to proceed on that basis.
The new treaty authority would ensure that new institutions created as part of the treaty process would sit outside of the bureaucracy following a call from the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria.
Mr Stewart said the creation of a treaty authority would demonstrate the government was willing to relinquish some of its power and meet First Peoples on neutral territory.
“That might force some politicians out of their comfort zone, but it’s what needs to happen. It’s the path forward,“ he said.
The agreement includes ensuring the treaty authority is led by First Nations peoples, features a transparency process for selecting its leadership and has adequate funding to ensure it can act independently.
Assembly co-chair and Bangerang and Wiradjuri Elder Aunty Geraldine Atkinson said it was vital that the treaty authority embodied and upheld Aboriginal lore, law and culture and be completely independent of the government of the day.
“The government has told us that it was willing to think outside the confines of the usual bureaucracy, but this discussion has been the first real test of that commitment, so it’s very encouraging that we’ve reached this milestone together,” she said.
“There’s still a long road ahead, but it helps when there’s a genuine acceptance that this journey needs to be led by First Peoples and grounded in our culture.”
Negotiations will continue to develop the details of the treaty authority, with the assembly and state government hoping to reach an agreement by June.
The First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria is currently holding a by-election in the north-east region of Victoria.
Voting is open for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples living in the region to elect their next member who will represent them during the treaty process, including the formation of the treaty authority.
Voting closes on March 27. To check out voting locations and candidates, visit