Six-year-old Jack Steven's, who grew up with the CFA, is one of this year's faces of the Good Friday Appeal.
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One of the face’s of this year’s Good Friday Appeal is close to the hearts of CFA volunteers.
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Son of volunteer firefighter Rohan Stevens, who has been with the CFA for 30 years, Jack Stevens is all too familiar with CFA stations.
At 15 months, Jack was diagnosed with a brain tumour that was wrapped around the part of the brain responsible for learning and development.
“It was one of those world crashing down moments,” Mr Stevens said.
“Just before his second birthday, Jack had surgery to remove that brain tumour.”
Jack was undergoing treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic, an unprecedented layer of stress added to an already difficult situation.
Mum Misty, dad Rohan, and Jack Stevens have had the support of the CFA backing them throughout Jack's tough journey.
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Although Jack’s surgery went well, the long road ahead to where he is now, at six-years-old, was filled with regular appointments at the Royal Children’s Hospital.
“Jack is one of the lucky kids where we had a favourable outcome,” Mr Stevens said.
“But he has to relearn how to talk, relearn how to walk, relearn his fine motor skills but here he is now, and he started grade one this year and he is really moving along.
“He is a very bright, bubbly and active young boy.”
Mr Stevens, who is the Hume Group Officer and has been volunteering with the Epping Fire Brigade for 25 years, said the arms of the CFA wrapped tight around his family during this time of need.
“Jack’s story has given that additional sense of purpose to the brigade and us as a family,” Mr Stevens said.
“That is what saved Jack’s life.”
In order to produce outcomes like Jack’s, Mr Stevens urges people to donate to this year’s Good Friday Appeal.
“Dig deep and donate as much as you can so we can see more success stories like Jack’s,” Mr Stevens said.
“Here at CFA we really hear that call to action and really throw our weight behind the Good Friday Appeal.”