Group leader Hazel Renee Clarke said Joeys, Cubs, Scouts and other members have enjoyed Scouting now that COVID-19 restrictions had eased.
“Just like everybody else, we had to go to Zoom over lockdowns,” she said.
“But now we’re back up and running, and we’re recruiting.”
So far this year, the Scout group has been out to Lighthorse Park to explore the bushland, the Cubs made wooden cars to compete in the District Kub Car Races and Scouts even patrolled Seymour to find the best hot chips.
Planning is also under way for many of the camps, hikes and travelling coming up for group members.
“Activities are youth-led, adult supported,” Ms Clarke said.
“We try to get Scouts to draw on their own initiative and build planning skills as well as have the adventure.”
Ms Clarke said many families had begun to re-engage with Scouts this year, but many of the groups in the district were lacking adult leaders to facilitate the activities.
“Each Scouts group relies on the goodwill of the community,” she said.
“A lot of the groups in our area are low on committee members.”
Ms Clarke said leaders were searching for people with a variety of skills, including those with business or construction experience, to join group committees in the district.
For more information, visit or phone 1800 726 887.