Remembering: This year Seymour College is asking locals to whip out their knitting needles to add some purple poppies to its 2022 Remembrance Day display.
Last year Seymour College organised the schools first ‘Poppy Project’ where students, staff, families and the wider community knitted and crocheted approximately 500 poppies for a Remembrance Day display.
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This year, Seymour College is again aiming to create 500 poppies so it can add them to the display.
Poppies for 2023 will be made of purple yarn. The purple poppy is worn to remember animals that have been victims of war.
Horses, dogs and pigeons were often drafted into the war effort. Wearing the purple poppy recognises their service as equal to that of human service.
Anyone who wishes to participate is invited to join in. Dedications to specific people can be attached to the poppies.
If you’re ready to whip out the knitting needles or crochet hook, the school is looking for poppies around the size of a real-life poppy.
A crochet or knitting pattern is available, please contact the school on 5771 1300 and ask for Kelly or Isobel to arrange one.
Poppies are to be dropped off at the school by Wednesday November 1.
Wool donations of ideally eight ply purple or black are also gratefully accepted.
Talented: Jack Buchanan knitted poppies with his family in 2022.
Helper: Parker Burgess assisted with assembling the display.