After 18 years, Candy Serong knows a thing or two about beer.
Back in 1984, in possibly our greatest sporting achievement ever, Australia swiped the coveted Americas Cup out from underneath the Yankees overconfident noses.
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Until then, not many people followed ocean yacht racing but that day, it was everyone’s new favourite sport.
The whole country it seemed was drunk on the spoils of victory, champagne and beer, and Prime Minister, Bob Hawke famously declared that any employer who sacked someone for taking the day off was “a bum”.
How Aussie was that?
Forty years later Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese is again appealing to our Aussie-ness with a pledge to freeze beer taxes in pubs and clubs for two years.
It’s not exactly a ‘Hawkey’ but the move has some appeal, to beer drinkers and pub owners anyway.
At the Australian Hotel in Corowa, the idea got a big thumbs up, but not necessarily more votes for Albo.
Dean Murphy says it’ a good idea but No it definitely wouldn’t make him more likely to vote for Albo
Candy Serong has worked behind the bar there for 18 years so it’s fair to say she knows a thing or two about beer.
She says yes, people are talking about it.
“It’s a thing to do, to come out and have a few beers with your mates,” Candy said.
“Everyone is doing it tough right now and the government is making enough out of it already.
“They don’t need to put the tax up anymore.”
With the latest available figures from 2021 showing the Australian Government generated $7.2 billion from alcohol taxes, Candy’s patrons agree.
Brett St John agrees they need to freeze the tax but it won’ necessarily sway him to vote Labor at the coming election.
“It’s the middle man’s relief to go to the hotel, especially for your mental health,” Dean Murphy said.
“You can just relax and chat socially.”
Brett St John owns Flooring Xtra across the road from the pub and says it’s a good idea as it will keep the pubs going.
Matt Dalize loves his beer, but No, he still won’t vote for Albo.
His mate, Matt Dalitz agrees, just because he loves beer.
So, the verdict is in; freezing the beer tax is a good idea, but it’s not likely to win Albo any more votes, at least not at the Australian Hotel.