The certainty provided by Avenel Pharmacy is proving a welcome relief for locals during a stressful time.
Pharmacist in charge Martin Sala said apart from a few changes, it was business as usual for the pharmacy and its cafe.
A large verandah and bifold access windows are being utilised to operate the same service while maintaining appropriate social distance.
“The doors are shut and we’re doing everything through the windows,” Mr Sala said.
“People are enjoying being able to maintain some part of their normal routine as they navigate the challenges of the current situation.
“We have flu vaccination services available and will allow access inside the premises for all confidential treatment and information.
“We also have a range of pantry staples like bread, fruit, vegetables and pasta to save people travelling to supermarkets with lots of people.”
Mr Sala said staff hours had been reduced but was thankful no-one at the business had lost their job.
“We’re very lucky to be functioning mostly as normal thanks to the windows and verandah,” he said.
“The bench seats from the outdoor area have been removed as there were some people sitting there to eat takeaway food.
“But now we have seats on the veranda spaced appropriately for any elderly pharmacy customers waiting for essential medications.
“We ask customers receiving takeaway food or drinks to move away from the area completely before consuming anything.
“It’s a tough time for everyone but the Avenel Pharmacy will be here for the community through this and beyond.”
For more information, call 5796 2009.