The event will run alongside normal Australia Day festivities.
It will give the Seymour Show exhibitors who wished to compete at the 2021 Seymour Show in October the opportunity to compete in these slasses and move on through the competitions into 2022.
The group final will be held in April and VAS-state final will take place at the Royal Melbourne Show in September next year.
A special schedule of the classes involved has been created and is available online via the Seymour Show website, with a limited number printed and available around Seymour and district.
Online entries are currently open for exhibitors who intended on entering the Seymour Show last October.
In-person entries can be done at the Seymour Agricultural and Pastoral Society office at Kings Park on Monday, January 24, between 1pm and 4pm, and Tuesday, January 25, from 8am to noon.
Exhibits need to be at Kings Park by noon on January 25 for judging at 1pm.
Meanwhile, the new agricultural pavilion will open from 8am to 1pm on Australia Day for the display of all exhibits and prize winners, and for the sale of show bags.
Seymour Agricultural and Pastoral Society is planning the regular Seymour Show on Friday, September 30 and Saturday, October 1, 2022, with a full schedule of competitions and attractions.
For more information, email or phone Pam on 0422 058 213.