On the left, the pen of Friesian steers weighing more than a tonne each, and on the right, a pen of more average dairy cows.
When this pen of Holstein-Friesian steers arrived at Shepparton Regional Saleyards, the heads were turning.
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They were taller than one of the staff members, who measures about six foot (1.8 metres) in the old imperial system, and they weighed in at more than one tonne each.
“I’m a Collingwood six footer (5 foot 10 inches),” saleyards manager Brendan Carey said on Tuesday, February 27.
“They’re way bigger than me.”
Agent Sam Nelson said the eight steers bred by a Katandra vendor were in exceptional condition.
Unfortunately, biggest is not always best, as the size creates issues for transport and abattoir handling.
The pen sold for an average of 158¢/kg.
Shepparton Regional Saleyards manager Brendan Carey with the pen of cattle more than 1.8 metres tall.